Saturday, September 8, 2018

Road to 50k Week 11 - Slippin & Sliding, Swimming & Becoming More

Week 11. Just 6 weeks til the Lake Hodges 50k. I'm gonna be totally honest and say it, I screwed up this week. I forgot I had a Work Class on Thursday & tried to change my Long Run from Monday to Thursday so I could do November Project Monday. The result was a missed Long Run and smaller mid length runs this week. However, not all was lost. It also helped me to overcome one of my biggest fears. My own body.
For years I had made excuses as to why I would not enter the water or swim with others. I used any and every excuse and at the end of the day, the truth of the matter was - I'm not happy with my body.
This week, November Project San Diego held an awesome Labor Day Workout which had us doing Open Water Swimming in Ventura Cove, running and body weight exercises and ended in an epic slip and slide into the bay. I loved it so much that I actually went back on Tuesday to swim with Kelp Kabobs, a side group of NPSD who focus on open water swimming. Two days in a row, I did back to back open water swims - my first and second ever & it's because of the trust I have in my tribe that I was able to get over all my hangups and just get into the water and enjoy myself.
Tuesday night was my Run Strong Class at Movement Space SD, followed by one of my favourites, Recover Well which is a mix of guided foam rolling and myofascial release along with restorative yoga. My left heel always gives me issues and it was so tight and tense that I was in tears as I was applying pressure and rolling it out with a lacrosse ball.
Wednesday's November Project Workout paired us in teams to complete an ascending number of exercises mixed in with Bridge Run Repeats at Balboa Park. As I had missed my Long Run, I showed up an hour an a half early and ran 6 miles before the workout.
Friday, I ran from Pacific Beach to Mt Soledad - I can see myself doing this often even after my 50k training is up.

And Saturday was awesome. The first Saturday of every month, my gym Performance 360 has a Free Community Workout. It was awesome going back to P360, as this was only my second time back in almost 2 & 1/2 months since starting my 50k training. Grant joined me and I'm pretty sure I looked like I had stepped out of a sweat lodge by the time we were done with the Burnout of 7 Minutes of partner Hell Trots. Was great to see Coach Kyle and my girl Cali and a bunch of my P360 people.

I'm super excited for next week in Wisconsin for November Project Summit, traverbaling to November Project Milwaukee and running the Marathon Relay at North Face Endurance Wisconsin in Kettle Moraine.

I had a great Labor Day BBQ in Mission Beach with a bunch of my November Project friends. And on Thursday, a few of us went to dinner at Isabel's in Pacific Beach. Loved the chile relleno and plantain fry things. And and and Wonderland OB has this like Whiskey Peanut Butter Slushie. We tried to go to try it and they were all out that night :( Oh well we still ate nachos tho

Performance 360 OB: Free Community Workout September 8th, 2018

Labor Day 2018 - The end of excused. The start of Open Water Swimming

NPSD Post Labor Day Photo
NPSD Labor Day Bonfire

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