Saturday, November 24, 2018

ECSCA Race Is Canceled - I'm Still Going

It's not new news, we all know that the races were canceled for North Face Endurance California. Let me start this blog by saying how proud I am of the way people came together to help those in need. North Face donated the $30,000 prize money, clothing, food, nutrition and more to relief efforts.
A group of my November Project tribe members organized a race in Truckee, CA to raise funds for relief work and North Face stepped up to match dollar for dollar every donation. It was truly an amazing and beautiful thing.That said, here goes the blog entry.

So we received news that The North Face had to cancel the Endurance Challenge Race Weekend in San Francisco in November this year, due to the fires in northern California compromising the air quality. Several people decided to change their travel plans and/or cancel altogether. A big group of us; however, loaded up on N95 respirator masks and turned it into a vacation anyway. I'm so eternally glad we did. I mean it was part of history, albeit a sad part and we were there to see it firsthand.

My November Project San Diego tribe members Alex, Jacob & I stayed with Vivek, one of the members of the NP San Francisco tribe and had a blast. We had events every night and smaller group outings which was a great way to get closer with my tribe. We went out and I got to visit Haight Ashbury, the birthplace of the hippie counterculture movement. I had a blast visiting the Golden Gate Bridge, Sutro Baths & Crissy Field. We ran the Mosaic Steps and Lyon Street Stairs. I got to see the Painted Ladies and the Full House house.

I got to hang with friends in the Castro for lunch. It was great to be there, in this very specific period of time and see how the city stands beautifully, even under such crazy circumstances.

But more than that I was reminded of how much these people mean to me, of how much my life becomes better by having them around. November Project currently has 49 official tribes across the world, all working to bring a message of Free Fitness scaleable to all fitness levels to everyone. All you have to do is #JustShowUp.

Oh and I now have every tribe in California covered on my Cali Traverbal shirt. Boom!!!

All photos in this blog entry by Alex Pardus.

Sutro Baths 2018 - Photo by Alex Pardus

Lyon Street Stairs. Running Stairs in N95 Masks - Photo by Alex Pardus

Golden Gate Bridge 2018 - Photo by Alex Pardus

Monday, November 12, 2018

Happier, Stronger, Brighter - NPSD Anniversary

Wednesday, November 7th was my 1 Year Anniversary with November Project San Diego.
Let's revisit the Joalby of last year. The Joalby who was invited to NP for years and never went.
1. I'm not a people person
2. I don't like people touching me
3. I don't like running hills

My life has been transformed and enriched by the presence of  this group of equally crazy and intense individuals in my life. In this past year alone, these people have been there to help push me towards becoming a better version of myself, pulled me out of a rut & cycle of fear and untrust that had come to dictate my life for a long while.
In this past year I have road tripped with these people. I have traveled across the country with these people. I have trained for a 50k under the guidance of the OG NPSD leader, Lauren Padula. I have ran my first full marathon under the guidance of these people. I have become a morning person. I have learned the power of human connection and hugs and allowing myself to have people in my corner, who believe in me. I have learned to believe in my abilities, my strengths, and more so in the possibilities for my life. I have learned to trust people again. The road to greatness is never empty, rather the road this past year has had cameos and appearances by so many of these people.

This is my Tribe. This is a family. This is (not) a cult. These people are the why I wake up and do this crazy stuff while everyone else is still asleep. November Project is the reason I will jump in my car and drive to NP Los Angeles just to run along the Santa Monica Pier or up a 35 grade hill. November Project is the reason I will fly to NP Phoenix to run around the butte of a mountain and do stair repeats in Papago Park during the lunar eclipse. November Project is why I will drive to UCLA at 3:30am to run Drake Stadium on 4th of July with NP West LA. It's why I fly to Denver to do an Easter Egg Hunt sliding across icy grass with NP Denver. It's why I flew to Oakland to avoid San Diego's PR Day & guarantee myself a PR doing PR Day with NP Oakland. It's why I joined 49 other tribes in Milwaukee forging some of the best relationships and friendships I've had in a long time. I'll tell you what if Jesse from NP LAX had told me before a year ago to drive up to LA on my day off to workout on the Santa Monica Pier, he would have gotten a very different response out of me.

Who says your mid 30s are your mid life crisis? Fuck that, I showed up at 36 and now at 37, I'm still barely starting to live. One year down, many more to come.

Thank you November Project - SD for making me better, giving me friends who share in my passions and making my blood type - Type Cold Brew Positive. There are 49 November Project Tribes across the USA for you to visit and the movement continues to grow every day. Join us. Stop wondering about this crazy thing we're all doing in the mornings. Stop saying one day I'll join you. #JustShowUp

November Project San Diego meets
MONDAYS = 6:29am (Rotating Locations throughout San Diego) = Follow our IG for more info
WEDNESDAYS = 6:29am (Bea Evanson Fountain at Balboa Park)

Other great things my NP Anniversary Week brought along was my return (after being away for 50k training) to Lululemon Run Club Mondays & Tuesday Stairs.

Plus did I mention that I finally got to see one of my favourite bands, THE PAPER KITES, with Grant on my NP Anniversary night. The music was beautiful, amazing and such an awesome night reminiscing on my drive through the Australian countryside listening to their music in 2016. Let's just say it was an amazing night & it gave me an even better appreciation for their music.

NPSD - You Will Be Changed. You Will Be Challenged. You WILL Love It..

Friday, November 2, 2018

Road to 50k Culmination - DNF Renews My Passion & Drive

I've pushed off writing this Blog entry, partly because it would mean connecting with the emotional part of this weekend, but partly because as much as I feel stronger and that I know so much more about myself through this journey, I'm proud of myself, but I'd be lying if I said I was happy with the end result.

I went into the race ready & I was surrounded by friends at the Aid Stations. Lake Hodges 50k was my first time going for something this big / this grand. I trained hard & as is the case with any big goals, sometimes it's not going to end your way & it will be through no fault of your own. I found out approaching Mile 19 that I was a bit over the cutoff time & I still ran it in to the aid station mile marker with a smile on my face the entire way. Yes, I was upset with myself. Yes, I was proud of myself, but I've learned it's possible to be proud of what you've done & still upset at where you've fallen short.

I was greeted by friends at the start line & it felt great to have Elevation Culture at the start line, as
well as a few of the ECTR family out on the trail while I ran. The course was beautiful and 8 miles in I was greeted by my coach Lauren Padula along with Arlo & Alice and my NP fam Michelle. I maintained a good pace. I ran a bit up Raptor Ridge and continued to maintain a decent pace for the run. It was a miscalculation on my part that caused me to DNF. I did everything in my power to account for the cutoffs; however, failed when it came to allowing for any circumstances out of the
usual. The mile marker cutoff ended up being a bit further back from where I had allotted for it in my race prep & planning.

So coming up on Mile 19, I had already come to terms with the fact that I was going to get cut. I had already cried on the trail a bit knowing today wouldn't be the day that I would complete an Ultra - but most importantly, I had already accepted that this was the end for today's attempt. My friend Gretchen came running up to meet me as I got to Mile 19 & with a big smile on my face we ran it into the aid station together. A few minutes later, my friend from Just Run Del Sur came in as the sweeper, I stayed at the aid station and rehydrated before jumping in Gretchen's car & going to grab pizza.

I ended my first 50k experience hanging in the Elevation Culture tent & thinking back on the run. Ok
so I didn't finish, but I ran my fastest 30k Distance that day on a trail, faster than I had ever ran that
distance on a road. I smiled and laughed and cheered on other runners the entire 19miles I was on that course. I took in some of the most beautiful views I've ever come across on a trail run. I felt part of something that I've never felt at a road race event. I had other runners cheering me on along the course. I felt free. I felt happy. And before I left I knew, I'm coming back next year & I'm going to crush it. I made the mistake of saying it out loud to which Eric & the EC team said why wait. I'm already conditioned and I've already trained. Jump back into it. And while I walked back to my car upset that today hadn't gone my way, I logged onto Facebook and committed myself to doing the San Diego 50 Trail Marathon, also put on by Off Road Pursuits.

My experience running my first Ultra was one that I'll always remember & through it (the good, the fun & the DNF), I've discovered a love I had for running I never knew I had. Through this race I was motivated & inspired to move forward with trademarking what will be my next goal in my running journey.

Trademark Process has begun. Stay tuned for an upcoming blog with detailed information on my next venture, "RUN HEAVY, LIVE LOUD"

Lake Hodges Trail Fest 2018 (Oct 27th, 2018)

Lake Hodges Trail Fest 2018 = (Oct 27th, 2018)