Thursday, December 27, 2018

Heading Into 2019 - The Pivot Is Strong With This One

With the new year just around the corner, there are so many changes on the horizon. This past year, I was lucky enough to step into so many new roles I would have never thought I could land in. As a musician, I always tend to become a different version of myself on stage, as it helps to counter my social anxiety and feelings of inadequacies and doubts as to whether my story is worth listening to. Having been on a fitness journey for a little over 5 years, I wanted to motivate others and create workouts but had been beaten down by my thoughts as to whether I align with the image of what a leader looks like. I know I'm not your ideal body type for that & I'm not upset when people wrote me
off. They are led by what society has taught them to expect. It's nothing personal.

Over the last few months, I've been trusted with programming and leading workouts for our Friday Stairs Workout Group. Programming the workout is one thing, but being trusted by my peers & people I look up to is ever so much more important to me. It reaffirms that I am capable of doing something that society and self have so often told me I'm not good enough to do.

In the last week of 2018, I also was able to work out at the Navy SEAL Training Center in San Diego, through my friend Tim, who was able to get me into the AO2 (SEAL) Marc A Lee Training Center. Awesome experience, complete with a hyperbaric chamber which is used for High Altitude Simulation Training.

About those changes I alluded to, I have shifted some of my Fitness Goals for the 2019 year, which means changes to how I approach training & more specifically WHERE I train. I have decided to quit my membership at Performance360 after 21 months, effective January 18th at the end of my current cycle. The programming is great. The coaches are amazing; however, the programming doesn't align with or let me grow in ways that I'm looking to grow in 2019. A shift in where I'm heading towards sometimes means stepping back from what you're currently doing and doing something different. This is the first of several changes 2019 is bringing with it.

In the words of my friend, Quitting Evangelist, Dr Lynn Marie Morski, "Quitting is actually what the business world calls, 'Pivoting.'" ... In 2019, you're going to see more Pivoting from me - FOR ME.

First things first, kicking off 2019 with a Road Trip to Sacramento with two of my best friends Tim &
Jessica, which will include dropping in to Anywhere Fit & running with 9Run6 (formerly November Project Sacramento)

Leading DownTown Fridays on Nov 30th

Leading DownTown Fridays on Dec 21st

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Road to 50k - Give Me My Ultra Title

Road to 50k BACK ON!!!

So as many of you may know, on October 27th I went out to complete my first 50k at Lake Hodges 50k. Due to some issues with the calculations of the cutoff station, I ended up being cut at 30k. At the finish line, as I was discussing giving it another go in a year or so, my friend Eric of Elevation Culture said something which shifted me towards a forward trajectory. He said "Why wait another year? You're already trained and ready. Get out there now and try it again."

I mentioned that I would signup for the San Diego 50 Trail Marathon, put on my the same organizers, Off Road Pursuits. The race is on January 12th. My goal would be to finish the Full Marathon, run through the finish and then head off to do another few miles getting me to my 50k. The medal doesn't have to say 50k, so long as the Strava does.

The benefits of this race are:
No hard cutoff for the Marathon, so long as you finish before the 50 Milers. Also, it's approximately an 11 to 12hr time limit and it's mostly on the same course (in reverse) as the Lake Hodges 50k, meaning I am already familiar with the course and terrain.

So here we go again - Road to 50k. Except with only 5 weeks to the race, this is really more of a sprint to 50k than a long road. This is more me refusing to wallow in the defeat of a DNF. Failure is only failure if you accept a hard stop & in the story of my life, NO STOPS ARE HARD STOPS.

All it takes is one to call yourself an UltraRunner, right?

San Diego 50 Trail Marathon - January 12th, 2019

Saturday, November 24, 2018

ECSCA Race Is Canceled - I'm Still Going

It's not new news, we all know that the races were canceled for North Face Endurance California. Let me start this blog by saying how proud I am of the way people came together to help those in need. North Face donated the $30,000 prize money, clothing, food, nutrition and more to relief efforts.
A group of my November Project tribe members organized a race in Truckee, CA to raise funds for relief work and North Face stepped up to match dollar for dollar every donation. It was truly an amazing and beautiful thing.That said, here goes the blog entry.

So we received news that The North Face had to cancel the Endurance Challenge Race Weekend in San Francisco in November this year, due to the fires in northern California compromising the air quality. Several people decided to change their travel plans and/or cancel altogether. A big group of us; however, loaded up on N95 respirator masks and turned it into a vacation anyway. I'm so eternally glad we did. I mean it was part of history, albeit a sad part and we were there to see it firsthand.

My November Project San Diego tribe members Alex, Jacob & I stayed with Vivek, one of the members of the NP San Francisco tribe and had a blast. We had events every night and smaller group outings which was a great way to get closer with my tribe. We went out and I got to visit Haight Ashbury, the birthplace of the hippie counterculture movement. I had a blast visiting the Golden Gate Bridge, Sutro Baths & Crissy Field. We ran the Mosaic Steps and Lyon Street Stairs. I got to see the Painted Ladies and the Full House house.

I got to hang with friends in the Castro for lunch. It was great to be there, in this very specific period of time and see how the city stands beautifully, even under such crazy circumstances.

But more than that I was reminded of how much these people mean to me, of how much my life becomes better by having them around. November Project currently has 49 official tribes across the world, all working to bring a message of Free Fitness scaleable to all fitness levels to everyone. All you have to do is #JustShowUp.

Oh and I now have every tribe in California covered on my Cali Traverbal shirt. Boom!!!

All photos in this blog entry by Alex Pardus.

Sutro Baths 2018 - Photo by Alex Pardus

Lyon Street Stairs. Running Stairs in N95 Masks - Photo by Alex Pardus

Golden Gate Bridge 2018 - Photo by Alex Pardus

Monday, November 12, 2018

Happier, Stronger, Brighter - NPSD Anniversary

Wednesday, November 7th was my 1 Year Anniversary with November Project San Diego.
Let's revisit the Joalby of last year. The Joalby who was invited to NP for years and never went.
1. I'm not a people person
2. I don't like people touching me
3. I don't like running hills

My life has been transformed and enriched by the presence of  this group of equally crazy and intense individuals in my life. In this past year alone, these people have been there to help push me towards becoming a better version of myself, pulled me out of a rut & cycle of fear and untrust that had come to dictate my life for a long while.
In this past year I have road tripped with these people. I have traveled across the country with these people. I have trained for a 50k under the guidance of the OG NPSD leader, Lauren Padula. I have ran my first full marathon under the guidance of these people. I have become a morning person. I have learned the power of human connection and hugs and allowing myself to have people in my corner, who believe in me. I have learned to believe in my abilities, my strengths, and more so in the possibilities for my life. I have learned to trust people again. The road to greatness is never empty, rather the road this past year has had cameos and appearances by so many of these people.

This is my Tribe. This is a family. This is (not) a cult. These people are the why I wake up and do this crazy stuff while everyone else is still asleep. November Project is the reason I will jump in my car and drive to NP Los Angeles just to run along the Santa Monica Pier or up a 35 grade hill. November Project is the reason I will fly to NP Phoenix to run around the butte of a mountain and do stair repeats in Papago Park during the lunar eclipse. November Project is why I will drive to UCLA at 3:30am to run Drake Stadium on 4th of July with NP West LA. It's why I fly to Denver to do an Easter Egg Hunt sliding across icy grass with NP Denver. It's why I flew to Oakland to avoid San Diego's PR Day & guarantee myself a PR doing PR Day with NP Oakland. It's why I joined 49 other tribes in Milwaukee forging some of the best relationships and friendships I've had in a long time. I'll tell you what if Jesse from NP LAX had told me before a year ago to drive up to LA on my day off to workout on the Santa Monica Pier, he would have gotten a very different response out of me.

Who says your mid 30s are your mid life crisis? Fuck that, I showed up at 36 and now at 37, I'm still barely starting to live. One year down, many more to come.

Thank you November Project - SD for making me better, giving me friends who share in my passions and making my blood type - Type Cold Brew Positive. There are 49 November Project Tribes across the USA for you to visit and the movement continues to grow every day. Join us. Stop wondering about this crazy thing we're all doing in the mornings. Stop saying one day I'll join you. #JustShowUp

November Project San Diego meets
MONDAYS = 6:29am (Rotating Locations throughout San Diego) = Follow our IG for more info
WEDNESDAYS = 6:29am (Bea Evanson Fountain at Balboa Park)

Other great things my NP Anniversary Week brought along was my return (after being away for 50k training) to Lululemon Run Club Mondays & Tuesday Stairs.

Plus did I mention that I finally got to see one of my favourite bands, THE PAPER KITES, with Grant on my NP Anniversary night. The music was beautiful, amazing and such an awesome night reminiscing on my drive through the Australian countryside listening to their music in 2016. Let's just say it was an amazing night & it gave me an even better appreciation for their music.

NPSD - You Will Be Changed. You Will Be Challenged. You WILL Love It..

Friday, November 2, 2018

Road to 50k Culmination - DNF Renews My Passion & Drive

I've pushed off writing this Blog entry, partly because it would mean connecting with the emotional part of this weekend, but partly because as much as I feel stronger and that I know so much more about myself through this journey, I'm proud of myself, but I'd be lying if I said I was happy with the end result.

I went into the race ready & I was surrounded by friends at the Aid Stations. Lake Hodges 50k was my first time going for something this big / this grand. I trained hard & as is the case with any big goals, sometimes it's not going to end your way & it will be through no fault of your own. I found out approaching Mile 19 that I was a bit over the cutoff time & I still ran it in to the aid station mile marker with a smile on my face the entire way. Yes, I was upset with myself. Yes, I was proud of myself, but I've learned it's possible to be proud of what you've done & still upset at where you've fallen short.

I was greeted by friends at the start line & it felt great to have Elevation Culture at the start line, as
well as a few of the ECTR family out on the trail while I ran. The course was beautiful and 8 miles in I was greeted by my coach Lauren Padula along with Arlo & Alice and my NP fam Michelle. I maintained a good pace. I ran a bit up Raptor Ridge and continued to maintain a decent pace for the run. It was a miscalculation on my part that caused me to DNF. I did everything in my power to account for the cutoffs; however, failed when it came to allowing for any circumstances out of the
usual. The mile marker cutoff ended up being a bit further back from where I had allotted for it in my race prep & planning.

So coming up on Mile 19, I had already come to terms with the fact that I was going to get cut. I had already cried on the trail a bit knowing today wouldn't be the day that I would complete an Ultra - but most importantly, I had already accepted that this was the end for today's attempt. My friend Gretchen came running up to meet me as I got to Mile 19 & with a big smile on my face we ran it into the aid station together. A few minutes later, my friend from Just Run Del Sur came in as the sweeper, I stayed at the aid station and rehydrated before jumping in Gretchen's car & going to grab pizza.

I ended my first 50k experience hanging in the Elevation Culture tent & thinking back on the run. Ok
so I didn't finish, but I ran my fastest 30k Distance that day on a trail, faster than I had ever ran that
distance on a road. I smiled and laughed and cheered on other runners the entire 19miles I was on that course. I took in some of the most beautiful views I've ever come across on a trail run. I felt part of something that I've never felt at a road race event. I had other runners cheering me on along the course. I felt free. I felt happy. And before I left I knew, I'm coming back next year & I'm going to crush it. I made the mistake of saying it out loud to which Eric & the EC team said why wait. I'm already conditioned and I've already trained. Jump back into it. And while I walked back to my car upset that today hadn't gone my way, I logged onto Facebook and committed myself to doing the San Diego 50 Trail Marathon, also put on by Off Road Pursuits.

My experience running my first Ultra was one that I'll always remember & through it (the good, the fun & the DNF), I've discovered a love I had for running I never knew I had. Through this race I was motivated & inspired to move forward with trademarking what will be my next goal in my running journey.

Trademark Process has begun. Stay tuned for an upcoming blog with detailed information on my next venture, "RUN HEAVY, LIVE LOUD"

Lake Hodges Trail Fest 2018 (Oct 27th, 2018)

Lake Hodges Trail Fest 2018 = (Oct 27th, 2018)

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Road to 50k Week 17 - Road to 50k Pulls Into Its Final Stop

Week 17. Wait what? Has it really been 4 months of training? Are we really pulling into the final stop on this Road to 50k? Am I seriously about to join the world of UltraMarathon Runner? Am I going to earn the right to wear the Ultra Ballcap from The North Face?
Through all the anxiety, nightmares, stressors and such, I'm also beyond excited and confident that I have this. I didn't come this far to NOT finish. Lake Hodges 50k, I'm coming for ya.

Week 17. What did Week 17 hold for me? I mean besides taper tantrums and such. I kicked off my week with Yoga for Athletes at The Movement Space SD and as I had a Rest Day on Monday, went out with Tim, Jess & Grant to watch Venom - cos Tom Hardy... duh.

Tuesday, I got lost on my 10 Mile Run. Turned wrong and ended up in a deserted Trailer Park which added 2 miles to my run, totaling 12 miles. Between running through the trailer park, over the memorial bridge back into Pacific Beach and along the coast, it was such a beautiful run and a great day to be running. I love living in Pacific Beach.

Wednesday, we did November Project SD, and Sam Lee was back in town. Sam, Jess, Antonette & myself had matching Run Like Marinello tank-tops made, because c'mon Marinello is like the example of proper running form. Also, it was the first time that John Thomas decided to #JustShowUp to NPSD. Great workout, great time, great fun.

Thursday, I met up with Alex for some photos and promo shoots at Tecolote Canyon to document my journey at this point through the Road to 50k journey. We got some great footage and photos and I loved the experience of getting my inner fitness model on display. Afterward, I drove up to Los Angeles where I met with a large group at Rose Bowl in Pasadena to run the Lululemon x Strava Ghost Race 8k. It was amazing and beautiful & I'm so glad I was able to cross off Rose Bowl from my must run courses. Afterwards I met up with Adam from NPLAX who I stayed with for the night, so that I could make Piertober.

Friday, I woke up and joined November Project LAX & November Project West LA at Santa Monica Pier for their Beachtober / Piertober Workout. As tired as I was, I had promised Jesse I would be there, plus the workout was amazing, beautiful views and so much fun to see my LA area peoples before my race. The amount of support and cheers I received and well wishes for the 50k before leaving was such an awesome feeling.

I drove straight home after the workout & went to watch Halloween. Ended my weekend on Saturday with a Chiropractor Adjustment with Jared at Fix Body Group, before meeting up with Audrey to watch Free Solo.

Like the next Blog Post I post will be as Joalby, UltraRunner.

Trail Running Tecolote Canyon. Photo by Alex Pardus

NP LAX / NP West LA Piertober at Santa Monica Pier

November Project SD - Run Like Marinello

Friday, October 12, 2018

Road to 50k Week 16 - Tapering & (My Oppinion on) Danger of Encouraging Complacency vs Action

4 Months in. Dear Lord, we are now two weeks from Race Day. I began tapering this week and had a little too much time to think about other things than training, but more on that in a bit.
Monday found me getting lost during a 5k along the Port of San Diego & Marina with November Project. I ended up doing an extra half mile. Tuesday, my Long Run ended up being a Half Marathon from Pacific Beach into Ocean Beach through the Tidepools over to Sunset Cliffs and looping back around with Hill Street run & running the OB Pier before ending back in Ocean Beach Business District.
Wednesday, we celebrated November Project San Diego's 5th Birthday with an awesome Circus Themed Workout and I doubled up with Deadlift Day PSC at Performance 360 Ocean Beach. Thursday, I was back at Elevation Culture for a 4 Mile Run through Rose Canyon and Friday I doubled up with my DownTown Friday Convention Center Stairs group in a great workout led by my girl Deveney and I followed it up with a 2 Mile Run over Ingraham Street Bridge out and back, which ended in me getting a PR on the North Bridge by 30 seconds, South Bridge by 25 seconds and Vacation Island by over 2 minutes. Woot woot.

I had a chance to discuss my journey and vision for my Fitness Journey and what's next after the 50k with a few people this week and last, and what resulted is a need to change the mindset of people with regards to fitness. This may ruffle some feathers, but before reading on, please know I'm not telling you not to love your body where you're at. I'm simply saying don't settle for an unhealthy life & love yourself enough to want better for yourself.

Ok so here it goes, the minute we stop seeing everything I've done with my weight loss as impressive will be a very necessary & amazing moment in my life.
We live in a time where we preach loving ourselves where we are, we cheer and champion for body acceptance, we have made it to where it is socially acceptable to be unhealthy and we support it. And to me that is dangerous. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying not to love yourself or to not be happy with your body. What I'm saying is don't become complacent, don't become comfortable, don't love your body so much that you forget to love yourself enough to want to become healthier and the best possible version of yourself.
People tell me my story, my journey, my determination inspires them. Thank you but No, thank you. You see because the minute we separate what I've done, what so many others have done from this idea of it being impressive, is the moment others will see it's really not impressive at all. All I did was START.
And if we let people keep viewing that as impressive, we actually do them a disservice in saying I did something they can't do. I want my "impressive" to not be impressive but to cause a shift where it's not impressive, rather where its the new norm.
Love yourself where you are by all means, but for God's sake, please don't grow comfortable and stay there.

DownTown Fridays 10.12.2018 - Convention Center Stairs & Core Circuit

Happy 5th Birthday NPSD!!!

DownTown Fridays 10.12.2018

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Road to 50k Week 15 - Peaks, PRs & My First Marathon

Peak Week came. Peak Week left. Thinking back on it, I realize so much more now than I ever thought myself capable of. This process has taught me so much about my own will, about my ability to focus my efforts on an end goal & my ability to put my mind to something and stick with it.

This week was amazing. I RAN MY FIRST FULL MARATHON!!! But before I get to that, let's talk about the whole week. I started off on Sunday with joining Fit Societe & Lululemon Fashion Valley for their Free Monthly Fitness Event. It was awesome & I had more Trident Coffee with MCT Oil than I probably should have. Afterwards I ended up doing a 5 Mile East Run through Crown Point & Ingraham around the outer vicinity of Sea World, because the Fit Societe wasn't in my programming so adding it meant I STILL had to get my miles in.

Sunday night, I somehow ended up in Oceanside for a night of acoustic performances by members of the SD Metal Scene : Silence Betrayed, Psychothermia, Eken Is Dead & A Hero Within. Many of these people who have been my friends I have not seen due to my own anxiety & PTSD, so it was great seeing my friends and being around them this evening.

On Monday, I knew I wanted to end the Marathon at Elevation Culture, where I was told a year ago that one day I would do an Ultra, where I laughed and said no way, where I learned to love trail running to overcome PTSD & fear of running around the streets where people knew me. It was very important for me to end my first Marathon there so the previous week I worked and worked plotting a route that would help me do that.
I ended up leaving my house and running from Crown Point / Pacific Beach through Midway, Middletown, Waterfront Park. I continued along Harbor Drive; running along Star of India, Broadway Pier, USS Midway, Seaport Village, Embarcadero Marina, SD Convention Center, Gaslamp, Little Italy and into Old Town. The last leg of the run took me into Linda Vista, Bay Park, Clairemont & ended with me running into Rose Canyon for a few miles before running into Elevation Culture as soon as I hit 26.21miles. I was so excited for this & I had me a nice cold beer waiting to celebrate my First Full Marathon.
I wrapped up my Monday night with my best friend Jon & SDAFFL friends for dinner at Amarin Thai.

Tuesday was pretty much rest day with & I took it seriously falling asleep for hours under a tree in Balboa Park before coming home for lunch then falling asleep under a tree at Crown Point Shores Park before my Recover Well class at The Movement Space, SD.

Wednesday, we had an awesome November Project SD workout consisting of EMOM movements mixed in with running loops. I'll let you gauge how sore I was by the photo below during our 5 Minute Burpee EMOM. Lol, in my defense I had also ran 4.5 miles BEFORE the workout and after the workout ran another mile to reach my 7 mile daily need.

Thursday was a day I had looked forward to for awhile. My best friend Blaise was back in town and that means I get to spend time being 100% me with my best friend. We had lunch and watched a scary movie together. Funny enough Babadook was his choice and we were both scared the whole time. As always, it involved music, playing new music, listening to each others new songs, singing together.
I ended up leaving to join Elevation Culture for what was meant to be a 6 mile Trail Run, but after it got dark and I saw a snake on the course - we stuck with 5.5 miles.

Brings me to Saturday, Performance 360 Community Workout at P360 OB with Grant. The workout programming was great and I even DB Snatched 50lbs for the first time. After PSC, we had breakfast (bomb Carnitas Benedict at OB Surf Lodge) followed by Lighthouse Ice Cream and OB Pier watching.

All around a great week for my Peak Week, surrounded by crushing goals and the best friends a guy could ever hope for. I'm grateful for the moments in my life & I'm grateful I get to share them with the people who form part of them... Next week, we TAPER. Ugh

November Project SD Burpee EMOM - Why do I look like I'm between death & trying to lower onto a squatty potty? Lol

Joalby's FIRST Marathon - Monday, October 1st, 2018

Fit Societe x Lululemon San Diego Monthly Fitness Event

When you slam your head getting ready for a picture & just have to chalk it up to karma

October Free Community Workout at Performance 360 OB

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Road to 50k Week 14 - Something Smells In Here. Oh My Bad, It's Me

14 Weeks into training. 14 weeks of dedication. 14 weeks of seeing something that I once formed an opinion of, something that I never saw possible for me. 14 weeks since I saw this possibility as something achievable.
This week was pretty awesome. For starters, my buddy Damien surprised me with a ticket to Florence & The Machine. Needless to say the show was an experience and every bit the amazingness I would expect from this woman.

My long run this Monday was 24 miles long & took me on my loop from Solana Beach into Carlsbad & back for a 24 mile run, followed by Yoga for Athletes at The Movement Space with Lauren Padula that evening. I'd like to apologize for everyone in that Yoga Class, as I'm sure my feet were something offensive. Haha, and then I went from there to meet up with Grant & Dave for dinner. Again, I apologize for my runner scent at dinner. Haha. Also, I am now in love with Hammer Nutrition gels since using them at North Face Endurance Marathon Relay Wisconsin. Great energy, great taste, doesn't cause me any GI distress.  

Tuesday, I took my boy Greg's 6:30am Class at Crossfit PB. Here's the thing about me, when people align themselves and in some way form part of my journey, I like to support them as well especially if it's fitness related. Great workout & was smart enough to modify what needed to be modified per my long run. Afterward I returned to see Jared at Fix Body Group for one of my most intense adjustments yet. I'm pretty sure that he worked every single muscle in my body after not having seen him in a few weeks. Left feeling energized and put back together, and ended my day with Recover Well at The Movement Space. Many people don't foam roll enough or address myofascial release and such, so I'm glad this class exists for people like that, like me.

Wednesday was November Project San Diego PR Day & I gotta say I love the new approach to PR Day. Maybe now I'll stop traverbaling to other cities on PR Day. Haha.

Thursday!!! He's back. Rejoined Elevation Culture for Thursday Night ECTR Trail Run Thursdays. Had a blast knocking out 6 miles on the trails and ending at Bitter Brothers for a beer with my ECTR peeps, where I first realized how much I like trails.

Friday, I was up early at Convention Center for DownTown Fridays followed by a 3 Mile Run around Kate Sessions and the Soledad Road neighbourhood. There's one house I pass all the time and their basketball court out front is branded by Perfect Bar. I'm convinced, I'm gonna meet the people who live there and become friends so I can get free Perfect Bars, cos I mean they're bomb.

Next week it's on. PEAK WEEK & my long run is a Full Marathon! Do I got this. I think I gots this.
In other news can we just reflect on what a difference taking action makes? 6 years separate those first two photos, 6 years but enough to fill 3 lifetimes. Stay tuned for next week's blog, cos.... PEAK WEEK!!!

Monday September 24th = 24 Mile Long Run 

6 Years Separate these two photos. 2012 to 2018. 140+ pounds and a world of possibility

Crossfit PB Dropin with my boy, Coach Greg Kuchan

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Road to 50k Week 13 - WE Out Here, NOT Me Out Here

We are now exactly 5 weeks from Race Day. The last 13 weeks have been every bit a challenge, every bit a struggle, every bit a reward and a testament that when we focus on the end goal & have a team of people rallying behind you and alongside you, there is no reason you can't make possible that which at one time seemed impossible.
I returned on Sunday from November Project Summit with a very different mindset, one that told me I was capable, I am believed in, I have people all over the country rooting for me on this journey.

I did make some time to get out and just do life this weekend whether it be a Coastal Walk & Icecream with Gretchen or the Secret Bench Sunset Hike with Grant on Monday. Let me tell you, that the sunsets descending that hike were beautiful as we were out there being part of it, but looking back at the photo of it, it's such a blessing to be able to be part of something so beautiful. Remember, the saying is "WE Out Here", not ME Out Here. Life is beautiful, never stop exploring, but remember an experience is meant to be shared. Find people worth sharing them with.

On Tuesday I had my Long(est) Run to date 22 Miles. I pretty much ran from Solana Beach to Carlsbad & then turned around and ran back. I felt great. I felt amazing actually. I had fellow runners along the coast exchanging smiles and thumbs up. I had someone, whom I still haven't figured out yell my name out of their car to encourage me. Your body is capable of so much more than you believe it is.

On Wednesday, my man Brogan Graham (founder of November Project & fellow NPSD Tribe Member) stepped in and surprised November Project San Diego by leading the workout. Yes I had run 22 miles the day before; however, I had been wanting since becoming part of NP to see the day that I'd get to be part of a BG led workout so with the racing sprints and timed cap running loops, I pushed myself so much more than I thought I could because these past few months have taught me I can go beyond where I want to, I can push past what is comfortable.

On Thursday, I returned to Performance 360 to take a Primal Workout Class with Coach Brenna on her last day at P360, before her move to Denver. Well worth the return to P360.

On Friday, David kicked our butts at DownTown Fridays at the SD Convention Center Stairs & I followed it up with a Coastal 5k prior to work.

Saturday, rest day. Yeah nope. Sorry Lauren. When you get a text asking you to do a 9am Progressive Strength & Conditioning at Performance 360 OB, you show up. Correction, depending on WHO the text is from, you just show up. Hadn't taken a class with Coach Lenny for a looooong while & it was great to take the class with Grant then grab breakfast in OB before I had to head into work.

Life is good & for once in my life, I'm simply enjoying living it with the people I am blessed to have as part of my journey.

5 Weeks til 50k.

Never Stop Exploring... And remember it's WE Out Here, NOT ME Out Here.

NPSD 9.19.2018 - Race Everything - No Longer Just A Hashtag

Primal at P360 - 9.20.2018 = Coach Brenna's Last Day

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Road to 50k Week 12 - Welcome to Milwaukee (NP Summit)

So this week was a mix of everything: Training Run at Just Run on Sunday, Lululemon La Jolla Run Club Monday, Coastal 5k on Tuesday, Torrey Pines Trail Run Wednesday & Rush Cycle Interval Ride on Thursday before flying out to Milwaukee for November Project Summit & the North Face Endurance Marathon Relay.

Speaking of Summit, if you know me, you know I actually have hardcore social anxiety. I often times finish an NP workout, go to coffee than have to rush home to nap a few hours and recharge my energy. That said I knew Summit was going to be go go go & I was slightly terrified of having to be social for so long. A lot of self talk and reassuring from friends went into the weeks leading up to summit.

That said.... Welcome to Milwaukee.

This weekend at NP Summit, the workout with November Project Milwaukee, the Marathon Relay at The North Face ECS Wisconsin, the beach party & sandcastle competition on Lake Michigan, that epic Friday morning workout, the socials, the NP Dry Run event, the people I met and seeing on a grand scale so much of what November Project means & has meant to others and sharing what it has been to me was a much needed shakeup at this stage in my training & in my life. Not a single person I met has not had their lives impacted in some way and while I shared my journey I heard so much from others that inspired me about their journey & met people who I didn't even know who mentioned how my journey inspired me. I cried running on the trail when my friend ran up behind me and told me how much I was inspiring her. I was surrounded by so much support and belief and people who were excited for what the next chapter of me holds.

During the race it was in the 80 to 90s and we were running through Kettle Moraine Forest. So many people I saw running two legs. They're beasts. They're everything I aspire to be. They have something I don't. They - hold up wait a minute WHAT?!?! And it was through seeing my friends pushing themselves and still cheering me and everyone else on that it all made sense. Tje only thing keeping me from being anywhere near that level is MYSELF. So I stood my ass up and I ran a second leg, totaling 13miles on my first ever trail race & my first ever endurance event. Yes, people of my size can still go out there and get shit done. No excuses

But what I realized more than anything is the self realization I gained this weekend. There was a mental shift, a change in my belief in myself & a change in my vernacular. I realized I was no longer saying I'm training to do a 50k. I was saying I'm doing a 50k in October & I'm training right now. A minor change, but my focus shifted to the fact that I'm GOING TO DO THIS & making the action of doing so the lead to my statements. The excitement and support I felt from people I only just met reassured me that I can do this & I have people all around the world cheering for me and believing in me.

I contantly tell people that my story, my perseverance, my accomplishments are not meant to be impressive; however, this weekend was more inspiring & impressive than I could have ever imagined.

The North Face ECS Wisconsin 9.15

NP Summit Beach Day - Summitsaurus Rex

NP Summit Milwaukee Workout

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Road to 50k Week 11 - Slippin & Sliding, Swimming & Becoming More

Week 11. Just 6 weeks til the Lake Hodges 50k. I'm gonna be totally honest and say it, I screwed up this week. I forgot I had a Work Class on Thursday & tried to change my Long Run from Monday to Thursday so I could do November Project Monday. The result was a missed Long Run and smaller mid length runs this week. However, not all was lost. It also helped me to overcome one of my biggest fears. My own body.
For years I had made excuses as to why I would not enter the water or swim with others. I used any and every excuse and at the end of the day, the truth of the matter was - I'm not happy with my body.
This week, November Project San Diego held an awesome Labor Day Workout which had us doing Open Water Swimming in Ventura Cove, running and body weight exercises and ended in an epic slip and slide into the bay. I loved it so much that I actually went back on Tuesday to swim with Kelp Kabobs, a side group of NPSD who focus on open water swimming. Two days in a row, I did back to back open water swims - my first and second ever & it's because of the trust I have in my tribe that I was able to get over all my hangups and just get into the water and enjoy myself.
Tuesday night was my Run Strong Class at Movement Space SD, followed by one of my favourites, Recover Well which is a mix of guided foam rolling and myofascial release along with restorative yoga. My left heel always gives me issues and it was so tight and tense that I was in tears as I was applying pressure and rolling it out with a lacrosse ball.
Wednesday's November Project Workout paired us in teams to complete an ascending number of exercises mixed in with Bridge Run Repeats at Balboa Park. As I had missed my Long Run, I showed up an hour an a half early and ran 6 miles before the workout.
Friday, I ran from Pacific Beach to Mt Soledad - I can see myself doing this often even after my 50k training is up.

And Saturday was awesome. The first Saturday of every month, my gym Performance 360 has a Free Community Workout. It was awesome going back to P360, as this was only my second time back in almost 2 & 1/2 months since starting my 50k training. Grant joined me and I'm pretty sure I looked like I had stepped out of a sweat lodge by the time we were done with the Burnout of 7 Minutes of partner Hell Trots. Was great to see Coach Kyle and my girl Cali and a bunch of my P360 people.

I'm super excited for next week in Wisconsin for November Project Summit, traverbaling to November Project Milwaukee and running the Marathon Relay at North Face Endurance Wisconsin in Kettle Moraine.

I had a great Labor Day BBQ in Mission Beach with a bunch of my November Project friends. And on Thursday, a few of us went to dinner at Isabel's in Pacific Beach. Loved the chile relleno and plantain fry things. And and and Wonderland OB has this like Whiskey Peanut Butter Slushie. We tried to go to try it and they were all out that night :( Oh well we still ate nachos tho

Performance 360 OB: Free Community Workout September 8th, 2018

Labor Day 2018 - The end of excused. The start of Open Water Swimming

NPSD Post Labor Day Photo
NPSD Labor Day Bonfire

Friday, September 7, 2018

A Lot Of Past Went Into This Not Impressive Present

This is a story about a boy named Joalby. 
Long, long ago (14yrs ago) in a land far away - well, not so much far away, but in San Diego there was a very different Joalby. This different Joalby gave the impression of a happy life with friends and parties and drinking excessively. What people didn't know is just how unhappy Joalby was underneath it all. 
At age 23, Joalby was approaching 400lbs, was wearing a size 5x or 6x shirt, wore size 50-52 pants, had to get clothes at specialty big and tall shops, and was extremely depressed. 
It took Joalby years to figure out he alone had the ability to initiate a change in his life and ensure a better future for himself. With the help of several trainers, workout communities, organized sports organizations and a love for running, Joalby was able to drop 140lbs and begin to rebuild his body. This is a story that is still ongoing. This is a story that was not easy - a story that found Joalby going through addiction, being held at gunpoint, years of back pain, reconstructive surgery after the weight loss, a sexual assault and found him coming out as a much stronger, healthier and happier person. 
The Joalby you know today was formed just as much through the struggles and dark times as he was by the people who guided him through the fitness world and running community that ultimately saved and improved the quality of his life. This is a story that maybe one day will be told, but for now - I'm just gonna enjoy where I'm at now - because I know what it took to get me here. And more importantly I know that the person I'm at now is only in for great things and great moments to come.
Age 23 (March 5th, 2004) vs Age 27 (September 7th, 2018)

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Road to 50k Week 10 - Long Runs & Monkey Business

Alright so lotta things this week. Seems like not a lot, but yeah lot of things. Due to my work schedule this week, I had to change out my long run to Wednesday. This meant I instead went to November Project on Monday to Kate Sessions for Adult Recess and an awesome game of Telephone incorporating laps of Kate Sessions, as well as the best game of Plank Freeze Tag.

Tuesday, I did my shorter run from Pacific Beach to Bird Rock and back and ran in to fellow NPer Lindsay during my run.

Wednesday!!! Dun dun dun. My long run this week was 21 Miles. I was sad that my friend Sam was moving away so after working a 12hr shift and getting home around 1:30am, I STILL woke up at 4:00am and started my run at 4:30am, just so I could get to November Project SD at the end of the workout and say goodbye to him before he left.
My long run took me from Pacific Beach through Midway & Rosecrans, over to Pacific Hiway, up through downtown to Balboa Park. I made it on time to say goodbye and participate in the burnout. Then I said goodbye and I ran a few miles through Hillcrest before reversing my run and heading home - Total Mile 21.03
That same evening, I along with close to 1,000 others participated in Sunset Yoga Under The Sails at the Sails Pavilion in the Convention Center of San Diego. Yoga was led by my run coach & yoga instructor Lauren Padula with DJ Kanoya presenting the tunes. What made this so epic, other than the presence of NP throughout, was by far the flashmob we helped to lead mid class.
I was running and dancing around all evening, which led to Lauren and several other people telling me to stop and not understanding how I can still have that energy after running the 21 earlier. Ended the night with Tacos at The Taco Stand.

Friday, my girl Iva tried to kill us all by making us one legged hop up the stairs of the Convention Center. Haha, so much fun... But yeah that was killing me all day after that. I think Iva may have been the only one who finished the entire workout that day actually.

And Saturday!!! A few gorillas got loose from the San Diego Zoo and I joined Bodies in Motion to help catch them. We had the best of times and the best part is, I had a group of friends I met through San Diego American Flag Football League join me this time. Having Grant, Tim & Jessica, John & Tyrone there experiencing first hand WHY I love this entire free fitness community I am a part of was awesome. Grant & I ended up being the first ones to catch the gorillas. I fell behind after keeping up with them for 3 stops. Grant killed it and kept on them for the entire workout. Seriously best times ever. Quite possibly one of the most challenging weeks physically, yet the funnest of my training thus far.

In other news, my friend in 5nSlime released their new album "Mandala Effect" this week. I had a blast at their listening party pool party. Check out the new album, it's a pop-rap-electronic hybrid mix of fun songs. I was lucky enough to be asked to record a part for the album. Love these guys. Check out 5nSlime and get their new album.

Bodies In Motion - The Great Gorilla Getaway (Jungle Loop)

Best of times with Grant, Tim, Jessica, John Thomas & Tyrone at Bodies in Motion

Yeah buddy. Grant & I were the first ones to catch these guys

November Project SD with a strong showing of support for Lauren leading Sunset Yoga Under The Sails. This is only a portion of the NP Tribe that showed up to take part

Monday, August 27, 2018

Road to 50k Week 9 - What The Hill?

Hey hey. Two Months out from Lake Hodges 50k. So Week 9 of this insane thing I decided to set my sights on, to earn the Ultra Runner title.
This week started off great. I performed the National Anthem for AFC Half Marathon & ran the race as well. I never thought I would see the day when a Half Marathon would serve as one of my training runs. I did have a moment where I cramped and had to walk a couple of miles, but upon getting to the final hill, I got a second wind in me. It was a great feeling seeing my NPSD people at the bottom of that hill, ready to cheer me on and run up the final hill with me.
Monday at NP, we met at Birch Aquarium doing Hill Repeats and ended with a group workout and run as a team, because fish travel in schools & we were in Back to School Month. But it helped reiterate the tribe mentality within November Project, that we are all part of tribe - all here for each other.

I also tried Animal Flow for the first time at Movement Space SD, in their Flow State class. It's a great workout incorporating quadrupedal & multi-planar ground based movements. One of the funnest workouts I've done and I am looking forward to doing it more often.

I ended up skipping Fit Expo Anaheim this year, which I had planned to attend on Saturday but it turned out to be perfect. I attended the SDAFFL Laces & Lashes Charity Event with my buddy Grant, which ended up being more fun than the Fit Expo could have been. The event is one of the biggest nights in SDAFFL season & is a jocks in drag performance which is just the funnest and most entertaining night of the year.

And by the way, if you haven't seen Crazy Rich Asians - go watch it. It's a great movie. You'll love it.

Hills Hills Hills - between AFC Half Marathon, Hill Repeats at Birch Aquarium with NP on Monday, Hill Repeats at NP on Wednesday and Stairs on Friday, I'd say I had one hill of a week. See what I did there?
We are now two months out from the 50k AND 2 & 1/2 weeks from North Face Endurance Wisconsin - where I'll be running the Marathon Relay through Kettle Moraine outside of Milwaukee during NP Summit week. What is November Project Summit? Read all about it. I'll make sure to break it down in a few weeks from my perspective, after my experience.

Final Hill Stretch of AFC Half Marathon with Navid

Flow State (Animal Flow) at The Movement Space, SD
November Project at Birch Aquarium - Schools of Fish

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Road to 50k Week 8 - Friends For The Journey

This week I'm on Week 8. Alright, two months in and my weekly miles are 4 times what they were before I started training. Yes, you read that right. QUADRUPLED MY WEEKLY MILES. Due to my training, I have had to miss some outings with friends and group events. Luckily, I'm blessed with the best friends ever who understand my need to have to do this and support my journey towards becoming an UltraRunner.
I was very happy this week to be surrounded by so many friends. I kicked off my Sunday with a group of my November Project buddies hiking South Fortuna cos selfies, duh. Those stairs still kill me. Monday was my long run and it was all kinds of all over the place. The heat made me stop and rest at the beach a bit before continuing on. I arrived in Oceanside only to find out I missed the coaster and had to wait another hour and a half. Rather than sit and wallow, I ran another 1.7 miles around Oceanside Transit Center. And after that I had theee best Yoga class at The Movement Space SD. Legs up the wall never felt better.
Wednesday, November Project SD had a pretty awesome workout that had us running through the jungle and incorporating the Avengers into our workout. Here's a tip, if you ever need to do a 3 legged race, coordinate outside - inside before you start running. We almost face planted a few times before figuring it out. It was a great workout still and I got to meet Benny, a traverbaler from November Project New Orleans and join in on the NPNOLA 31 Burpee Challenge for August.
Luckily, the weather has chilled out in San Diego so I was able to do Mt Soledad later in the day on Thursday. And FRIDAY was a blast. Joalby was back at DTF (DownTown Fridays Stair Group) at the San Diego Convention Center with an epic circuit workout led by Jo. Between South Fortuna, NP and DTF, I was surrounded by so many friends this week.
Wrapped up with a run on the boardwalk to get a shakeout run in prior to Sunday's AFC Half Marathon. I'm ready!!!

Two of my best friends are leaving this week for a month, Blaise to Antarctica and Tim on a military training thing. I'm glad I got to hang out with both of them before they left. And my girl Dev who did her first NPC Competition this week was welcomed back on Friday with a night of drinks, food and all the fun stuff she couldn't indulge in during her training.

And another huge thank you to Jared Campbell,DC at Fix Body Group for this week's Chiro Appointment. That shockwave therapy and active release was painful in every sense of that good hurt kinda way. Hurt me if it means I'm gonna be better for it.

DTF Stairs DownTown Fridays (photo by Alex Pardus)

Never Stop Exploring - South Fortuna Group