Monday, July 15, 2019

Yoga Teacher Training Update - New Studio & Dates

Second First Steps

My intention during today's practice at Mosaic Yoga: was just that, Second First Steps. Embrace the newness that comes with taking that first step no matter if it's your first, second or third "first step".
Recently, the studio I was to begin Teacher Training at sold and as a result the new dates didn't align with my schedule. After soul searching & sadness, I realized the blessing that came from being gifted the time to continue my practice while recovering fully from surgery so I can go into Yoga Teacher Training 100% ready to excel and be the forever student and the teacher I hope to be.

I visited a few studios & today, I took my second first step. In February, I will be one with & connected with my new body & begin my Yoga Teacher Training at Mosaic Yoga. All the funds raised from my Crowd Funding Campaign will be transferred directly over to the new studio & I was able to qualify for a Scholarship for the difference.

Sometimes in life we get that first step, that first chance, but more often times we get several second first steps. Learn to love the second first steps, because its between those first steps and second first steps, you grow and truly learn what you're ready to take on.

Come February, I will be beginning Yoga Teacher Training at Mosaic Yoga & am beyond excited for this second first step in my life.